This is What Makes Young Living Different

Young Living Premium Starter Bundle with Aria Diffuser

If you’re an over-thinker and over-researcher like I am you may have thought about and looked into many essential oil and natural product companies. There are a lot of different companies out there and it can be overwhelming to know which one to purchase from! I’ll be sharing with you here some helpful information about why Young Living is different from other companies and why I believe it’s the best place to buy your oils and natural products.

Seed to Seal

First and foremost, what makes Young Living (YL) stand out among all other companies is their Seed to Seal guarantee. YL is the only company that has the highest farming, distilling and testing practices promised by Seed to Seal. This means YL either owns or partners with the farms that grow their plants and they are in complete control of the farming practices. Top-notch farming and distilling make for the purest and most potent essential oils you can find.

When it comes to testing, YL does not sell any oils that do not meet their stringent purity standards. YL has a beautiful micro site that explains Seed to Seal in more detail – better than I could explain it – so definitely check it out! You can visit the micro site here.


Next, YL is not new to the essential oils industry. Young Living has been around since 1994. It can be said that Gary Young, his research, and later, his company, were the catalysts that brought awareness and popularity of essential oils to the western world. After Gary Young founded Young Living in the mid-90s the demand and sales of essential oils skyrocketed in the United States and across the globe. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for healing and medicinal purposes. So, Gary did not by any means discover essential oils or their benefits. But he did start modern research that started a company that started a movement that then became a multi-billion dollar industry!

The age of a company alone does not guarantee a quality product, of course. A company needs sales and growth to prove that it is standing the test of time. In 2023 YL hit 213.7 million in revenue with the market expected to grow by nearly 9% in the next few years. As a multi-level marketing company, YL sits at number 7 for the U.S. market as of May 2024 according to Epixel. No other essential oil company can say that!

Loyalty Rewards & Gifts

Everyone loves getting free stuff, right?! Well, YL does not disappoint in the area of showing customer appreciation and giving freebies! All customers have the opportunity to join YL’s free Loyalty Rewards program as well as earn free Gifts with Purchase every month.

The Loyalty Rewards program gives customers points back on each purchase to redeem on future orders for free products. Yes, it really is that great! The more consecutive months a customer places Loyalty Rewards orders, the higher percentage of points back they earn. They also earn a free diffuser after two months and free oils at other months. Take a look at these graphics for more details about how the program works.

Young Living Loyalty Rewards Breakdown by 10%, 20% and 25%
Young Living oils  and diffuser earned on Loyalty Rewards

In addition to rewards points, each month there are new Gifts available with purchase. Just reach the 100PV, 200PV or 300PV tier to receive gifts at each tier. One month the rewards were 5 mL Valor at 100PV, 5 mL Northern Lights Black Spruce at 200PV and the amazing supplement Super B at 300PV. Not many companies I shop with give back to me in such a generous way!

I wrote a post all about Young Living’s Loyalty Rewards benefits, read it here!

Support & ME!

Last, but certainly not least, when you choose to purchase your essential oils from YL you get an excellent support system! For me, I initially chose YL for two reasons. First was because I loved their products and trusted that I was getting the best of the best.

Second, I was so thankful for the support of other ladies who use the products and were willing to help me when I had questions. This was not something I was getting when I picked up oils from the drug store – and you won’t either! When you make a purchase with Young Living, you are tapping into a community that cannot be found anywhere else. There are thousands of other women who have years and years of knowledge and experience to share with you. Not to mention, these women are kind, welcoming and wonderful!

That’s it!

When I got my first oils from YL, I had a friend who was there to answer every question I had, or at least point me in a direction where I could get the help I needed. She also equipped me with books and resources where I could troubleshoot and find answers on my own (find my recommended books here). Guess what? I can be that friend for YOU! I would truly be honored to help you. So, if you’re ready to take the next step, check out my post about where to start here.

Choose Young Living

So there you have it! Young Living has the best farming and distilling practices that produce the highest quality essential oils. They have been a booming business for over 3 decades and counting, plus they are SO generous to their customers. The cherry on top? When you choose to buy from YL and use my enroller number (3437812), you get ME and a community of other oilers to help and support you. If you’ve decided it’s time to take the plunge and buy your first products from YL, I am so excited for you and ready to help! Click here to set up your account and place your first order!

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